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I was born amidst the breathtaking Rockies of Colorado, embodying a unique fusion of diverse landscapes and cultures. In January of 2024, I graduated magna cum laude with a Bachelor's degree in English and Creative Writing with a minor in Literature.


Having migrated to a quaint town in Northern New York during my formative years, my narrative lens was shaped by the contrast between the majestic mountains and the serene landscapes of the Northern rivers. These dual influences kindled my profound love for nature and worldbuilding, elements seamlessly woven into the fabric of my captivating stories and evocative poems.


My intellectual curiosity extends beyond the realms of fiction. Fascinated by ancient history, mythology, and culture, I draw inspiration from these rich tapestries to craft intricate and immersive worlds within my narratives. Outside the realms of literature, I am an avid enthusiast of Formula 1 racing, an ardent reader, and a dedicated gardener. My passion for exploration has enriched my storytelling with diverse perspectives and experiences.


In quiet moments, I find solace in the rhythm of swimming, the joy of learning new languages, and the warmth of familial bonds. Two loyal canine companions accompany me on the journey, serving as steadfast muses in the creative process.

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Currently, I am on the brink of an exciting literary venture, having spent the past two years meticulously crafting and plotting my YA Fantasy series. With three distinct series in the works, each housing three to four books, my writing style stands out for its vivid descriptions and dialogue-centric storytelling. In my tales, characters are not mere conduits for the plot but vibrant narrators who breathe life into the fantastical realms I conjure.

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